Standing at the Crossroads…

My cousin, a journalist in Toronto shared this last evening.  It is such an interesting film I thought I would also share it with you.  It is not directly connected to Tiny Houses, Food, Art, Music, Nature, Animal Rights, Consumerism or any of the other topics that are important to me.  Yet this film has everything to do with all of these topics.

It is a full length documentary of one hour and once it starts you will want to watch the entire thing, so give yourself the time to sit down and think about it.

The paradoxes within this film are so huge but never directly mentioned… Do you see them as well?

This is a tree back at the foot of the escarpment.  I must have walked right past it a hundred times and never noticed it.  Even though life is slow paced sometimes I don't see the trees, for the forest.  I share this today because I found this film to be the same sort of paradox.

This is a tree back at the foot of the escarpment. I must have walked right past it a hundred times and never noticed it. Even though life is slow paced sometimes I don’t see the trees, for the forest. I share this today because I found this film to be the same sort of paradox.


Categories: Art, Environmentalism, Family, Food, Materialism, Money, Nature, Open your eyes, Simple living, Sustainable living, Tiny House Ontario, View, World | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “Standing at the Crossroads…

  1. Anonymous

    thank you so much for sharing this video; it’s a gem that will be share by many people that are interesting in processing meanings and values. You are sure part of it.

  2. I’ll check that film out… In the meantime, THANK YOU for that tree photo….!!! I cannot get ENOUGH of the trees….!! I live smack dab, in the WOODS…and photos and paintings, and lithos of TREES are INSIDE ….postcards, made of wood..even!! I tried to tame it years ago….. The best thing I ever did (other than adding random hostas here and there) was to leave it alone, and watch the REAL BEAUTY UNFOLD!! YOUR ‘yard’ is magnificent….

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