Battersea Beautiful at Loughborough Lake Ontario

I  have been pretty fortunate in my life to have had the opportunities that I have had.  Travel being one of the privileges I have enjoyed.  For me, there are places that are just so breathtaking and unique that they stay with you forever.  I have not been around the world but I have seen many places.  Few are as enchanting as Battersea, Ontario.

Right where the Canadian Shield meets the South, water, rocks, inlets, trees, sky, and marsh, are beyond beautiful.  It seems shady everywhere there, except at the store’s parking.  It is funny how mostly we don’t notice this when we come from the area, and only remember when we leave.

This, my friends, I am going to share, is the best place in the world to sit and have an ice-cream cone, or a Popsicle (for my Vegan friends).  The cars drive slowly past, the boats make their way into this little harbour to go to the store or the local hang out for a beer or something.  I don’t know why exactly, but it is just a place that you want to sit at and breathe for a bit.

I think that Erazim Kohák might say that this is a place that holds it’s history and when you are there, you can almost feel the lives of those that have been there before you, sitting right there, eating an ice-cream.

I hope that I have done it some small justice.  8×10

Categories: Art, Erazim Kohák, Kingston, Laura Moreland, Ontario, Original Art work of Laura Moreland, Simple living, Time | Leave a comment

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