Hasting Highlands

Hastings Highlands shown on the map below in pink, just passed a new by-law that will allow you to build a minimum of 348 sq. ft. on marginal agricultural land.


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Here is what 350 square feet looks like.  I can think of lots of ways to change this up!  1. get rid of the kitchen wall, make the main entry where the tv is, and bump out the bedroom closet to meet the bathroom so this is a walk in closet with a laundry.  Also I would want a bedroom wall and many more windows.  


Back to Hastings Highland, they will let you build on a slab or piers if you do not want a basement; however, not having a basement at Tiny House Ontario is a huge regret for me.  I would love to have the off season storage, and a cooler room in the hot weather would have been really great too.

The anonymous person  who gave this news, wrote to say that Frank Mills, the building inspector (not the pianist) was behind the push to pass the by-law.  Apparently, in a refreshing twist, he is very helpful when dealing with the building code.

Sounds to me like they have a forward thinking person on staff and not just another moron who blindly follows arbitrary rules set by people 50-100 years ago!   Hats tipped to Frank Mills!  Can we clone you sir?


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This municipality is roughly one hour drive North of Belleville.  One and a half hours South West of Renfrew, and one and a half hours North East of Peterborough. It is adjacent and South East of Algonquin Park.

Categories: Tiny House Ontario | 9 Comments

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9 thoughts on “Hasting Highlands

  1. This is exciting! I’m in the Peterborough area, not too far from HH and have been dreaming of having a small or tiny home for ages! Sounds like Ontario is slowly getting on board with the idea! 😀

  2. Dan Malloy

    For the life of me I cannot understand why the building code (or municipalities) sets a minimum size for buildings. I have a cottage lot that I would love to build a small building on but with a budget of basically ‘zero’ I can’t.

    I would not ask for any safety or structural exemptions…just minimum size. I might be able to build 200 sq. ft. now and might be able to add to that in a few years when I retire.

    So why can’t I do this on my own land???

    Haliburton Highlands has just put out a land use study that says they need more affordable housing…um, how about allowing smaller homes that otherwise comply with the Building Code?

    Just sayin’…


  3. Kate

    I am not a facebook user so am leaving a note for you through this message section.
    Thanks for your blog…I have followed your build/life in the tiny house for a couple of years.
    I am currently in a rustic tiny trailer house seasonally( March thru Nov) at a temporary site in southern AB.
    I was interested in the installation of your woodstove as I have the same one and hadn’t been able to sort out the chimney. Would you please share more with via email on the exact size/type of pellet chimney you used and any other info you might feel is relevant.
    Thanks very much.
    Wish more areas would set-up for legal tiny homes..maybe with Hastings Highlands getting the ball rolling others will follow along.

    • I am sorry to say Kate! You are NOT going to like this! I am far less than thrilled with my grey stove. I will be smashing mine and bringing it to the metal recycle and replacing it. I had a terrible scare with mine a house filled with smoke and barely breathing dogs when I got back from a km trip to the store (less than 10 minutes there and back). Lloyd Grey says this is because I installed it wrong – but the fact is that the stuff that they put along the inside of the door (to keep smoke from coming out if there is a problem) is recessed on the grey stove, so there is NO room for error. I was lucky my dogs were not dead, my house was so filled with smoke everything had to be taken out and washed. A damned disaster! If you are thinking about connecting it still, PLEASE at the very minimum put in a new thicker cord to keep the smoke in the thing. Lloyd says that this cord is “just for decoration” because if it is hooked up right, you don’t need it. Now the trouble is – that I am not an expert AND this stove is not approved, so there are no experts that will hook it up and risk their licence.
      As for the pipe, I used the stuff for pellet stoves which is what they recommended… but of course, you know now what I think of their recommendations. This is the pellet stove pipe kit that I used. https://www.homedepot.ca/en/home/p.3-in-pellet-pipe-kit.1000102367.html

      I am sorry that I can’t tell you I love it… I so much wish that I could. I also wish I had a thousand bucks to throw away… such a waste, but I can’t sell it in good faith because I don’t think it is safe and I don’t want that on my conscious or as a liability.

      Very kind regards,

  4. https://hastingshighlands.civicweb.net/filepro/documents/35092?preview=38271 According to the council minutes, this change relates only to Marginal Agriculture zoning.

  5. I just woke up to this news and feel like I need to pinch myself!!!! I currently have a conditional offer on a property in HH and have left messages and emails for Frank. Now I’m wondering if this is why I haven’t received a reply over the past week! Has this info been confirmed and reached the public yet? I knew that it was on their agenda but thought it would take time to pass. I am estatic if this is correct!!!! :D. Lori

    • Hi Lori, I have not confirmed. I got this as an anonymous message about a week or so ago when I was off grid at my tiny house. I assumed that the person giving the tip to me me was privy to the information, and that I was tipped me off because the community itself it hoping to attract others to come and live there. If you hear something contrary, please let me know.
      Congratulations on your purchase! I hope that everything goes in your favour!
      ❤ Laura

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